Challenge: Victorian October


Last year I participated in a challenge created by a group of women from booktube who had a very nice idea. They were going to read five books written during the Victorian era (that is from 1837 to 1901) and each one was going to have a specific characteristic chosen by each one of the challenge creators. If you want to know more, go to my entry here for more information. If you don’t understand Spanish, click on any of the names listed and it will take you to the creators' videos were everything is explained in detail (and in English, of course).

Last year I felt quite proud of myself after deciding to participate in this challenge and actually doing it. I didn’t read all the books I had planned and didn’t finish them all in October for various reasons, mainly uni eating all my time. However, if you follow me on instagram, you might have read me telling time and again how awful I am at giving myself a set TBR and sticking to it. Therefore, even though I kind of failed on the challenge, I didn’t feel like I did. I enjoyed this challenge and I discovered a series of books that I knew very little about. Not only that, it created in me the wish to read more books from that period.

And so here we are again, deciding to give it another go to this very autumnal challenge –because I think Victorian reads have a very autumnal vibe– and giving myself a TBR list for the month of October. It's not as ambitious as last year but it is ambitious enough taking into account my life and reading situation. Also, I’m ignoring the categories set by their creators and I’m just going to read some Victorian books I’ve had in my shelves waiting for October which are:

  • The Tennant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë
  • A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  • North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

Have you read any of them? Let me know your thoughts on them if you did and on this challenge in general. Which Victorian books have you read and enjoyed (or not)? 

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