How my #Victober turned into #LeoAutoras
Can we say that I’m a pro at cheating when it comes to reading challenges? Because I feel like I am. And the worst or the best part of it is that I don’t feel guilty about it. Maybe a little bit embarrassed but in no way I feel really bad about it. At the end of the day, reading is a hobby not a chore and that’s how it has to feel.
That being said, let’s make a little wrap up of my reading during the month of October (quite late, I know). It was quite a “bad” month in terms of books finished since they were only two. Notice that I’m saying “books finished” and not reading because I read quite a lot of modules for uni that were the main reason this wrap up is this short.
My intention for the Victorian October challenge thingy was to read three books: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë, North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell and Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. It turned out that I spent most of the month reading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and freaking loving it. I don’t think I have ever used so many tabs in a book while also making notes on it with my pencil. It’s one I’d totally recommend and even though the details are no longer fresh in my mind, I can say without hesitation that it has become one of my favourite classics along with Jane Eyre and Persuasion.
When I finished it, though, it was almost the end of the month and I didn’t see myself finishing any of the other books I had chosen for the month. Therefore, I decided to drop the Victorian Challenge and read a book I have had in my shelves for a long time and have been meaning to read for so long: A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf. This is my first read from her and I’m definitely picking more of her books. It also got a lot of notes and tabs all over it. Really interesting and really important the points she makes (even from her “privileged” position) about the situation of women within society.
If you’re wondering why I named this post “How Victober turned into LeoAutoras”, let me tell you about this very necessary initiative by the Spanish bookish community that wants to give more visibility to female authors by dedicating the month of October to only read books written by women.
Oh, I almost forgot. I read three books and not two as I said before. At the same time I read Woolf, I also read With a Twist by Staci Hart. A novel that falls into the romance genre which I’m feeling very drawn to lately. And I love how this author does it, as well. It feels light, sexy and cute without being cringe-worthy. Well, not too much at least. And the same can be said about the covers of her books which is not something you can usually say about romance novels.